% 0.58
BTC Dominance:
% 0.54
Market Cap:
$3.24 T
% 2.06
Fear & Greed:
48 / 100
$ 97.286
BTC Dominance:
% 59.5
Market Cap:
$3.24 T

DevConnect Istanbul: Ethereum Event of the Year!


Devconnect set to take place between November 13 and 19 2023, offers an opportunity to meet leading developers of Ethereum. Thus, this event aims to bring together Ethereum’s most crucial developers, researchers, and community. It also offers the chance to network and meet with people working on Ethereum.

What is Devconnect?

Devconnect is a week-long meetup comprising independent Ethereum events, each with a different focus point. Besides, its goal is to offer deep-dive sessions on specific topics and bring together the Ethereum community in smaller groups to make substantial progress.

Furthermore, the events during Devconnect will be autonomous and organized by experts in the field, who could potentially include you. Also, the team will facilitate coordination to avoid pulling participants in different directions and will maintain a collaborative workspace for all those interested in cooperation throughout the week.

Most events are designed to cater to experts or enthusiasts in the event’s specific field, ensuring full understanding and discussion of the subject. They express their desire for this week-long meetup to facilitate in-depth discussions and conversations necessary for further improving Ethereum, as opposed to a regular conference.

They emphasize that Devconnect ≠ Devcon. Because of the fact that Devcon will remain the main event. Also, the next Devcon event will take place in Southeast Asia in 2024.

Some Events and Their Dates in the Schedule

  • ETH Global hackathon – November 17-19, 2023
  • ETH Day – November 13, 2023
  • L2DAYS Istanbul – November 14-15, 2023
  • Starknet CC Istanbul – November 13, 2023
  • Web3 UX Unconference – November 16, 2023
  • Staking Gathering – November 13-14, 2023
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For more detailed information → Event Calendar

ETH Day is Free for Students

ETHGünü is a special event where the speakers, including Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin and Ethereum Foundation General Manager Aya Miyaguchi, will provide in-depth knowledge about Ethereum by explaining technical concepts with understanding. This event especially invites students and developers and is offered free to attract them.

Students who wish to participate can register using their edu-extension email addresses or can provide student documents to the event team for free participation. Additionally, this is a special opportunity for anyone interested in exploring and learning about the world of Ethereum.

Some Key People Attending the Event

ETH Day – November 13

Devconnect Vitalik Buterin
Vitalik Buterin (Co-Founder Of Ethereum)
Devconnect Aya Miyaguchi
Aya Miyaguchi (Manager At Eth Foundation)

d:pact – November 15

Kevin Owocki Devconnect Istanbul
Kevin Owocki (Co-Founder Of Gitcoin)
Marek Olszewski Devconnect Istanbul Event
Marek Olszewski (Co-Founder Of Celo)

Where is the event?

This year, the DevConnect Istanbul event will be hosted in various venues across Istanbul. Also, For detailed information, please visit: Link

Istanbul Convention Center

  • ETH Day
  • ETHconomics
  • Conflux – Web3 UX Unconference
  • Formal Verification Hangout 2
  • Solidity Summit
  • EVM Summit
  • ETHGlobal Istanbul Hackathon

Hilton Istanbul Bosphorus

  • TrustX
  • EthStaker’s Staking Gathering
  • Datapalooza
  • Vyper Day

InterContinental Istanbul

  • ETHGlobal Pragma Istanbul
  • Decentralized RPC Summit
  • ETHGlobal Pragma Istanbul
  • Rollup Day by AltLayer

You can freely share your thoughts and comments about the topic in the comment section. Additionally, don’t forget to follow us on our Telegram, YouTube, and Twitter channels for the latest news and updates.

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