Here you can learn all the information about crypto and get advanced training for free.
Follow the steps in order and according to this order. We recommend you to learn
Step 1
What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrency is a kind of “virtual” money used in the digital world that can replace real paper money.
You can think of it like a digital version of an e-mail’ a paper letter.
Step 2
What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin (BTC) is a decentralized cryptocurrency. All transactions are cryptographically processed and stored in decentralized ledgers. It is an open code; identified by encrypted and anonymous codes. As it uses peer to peer (P2P) technology, it enables all kinds of financial transactions to be recorded easily between peers in a secure environment.

Step 3
What is Altcoin?

After the emergence of Bitcoin and its demand, new cryptocurrencies were produced that could be an alternative to it and these were defined as altcoins. Altcoins produced using blockchain technology were created and released using different algorithms. These include those that endure as well as those that doesn’t endure.

Step 4
Where to buy Bitcoin?
You can buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with Turkish lira from the following two exchanges.
Step 5
You can dominate the crypto market by browsing our FREE tutorial series below.
You can learn all the information completely without the need for other paid trainings. Watch each video carefully.