% 4.92
BTC Dominance:
% 0.19
Market Cap:
$3.54 T
% 1.28
Fear & Greed:
75 / 100
$ 105.379
BTC Dominance:
% 56.3
Market Cap:
$3.54 T

Onchain Analysis Alert! A Drop Could Come!

Onchain Analysis

Onchain Analysis Alert! A Drop Could Come! Bitcoin’s price has been stable at around $45,000 in recent weeks. However, this stability does not provide much information about market trends. For a more explanatory analysis, it is necessary to look at the sentiment in the futures market.

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The key to understanding the sentiment in the futures market lies in examining funding rates. Funding rates are recurring payments exchanged between investors who hold long or short positions and are determined by the difference between perpetual contract market prices and spot market prices.

Onchain Analysis

When funding rates are positive, it indicates that investors with long positions prevail and are ready to compensate short-position investors. Recently, funding rates have consistently been positive, suggesting a bullish outlook in the futures market.

While this optimism is not naturally concerning, it’s essential to be cautious. If this trend continues, the market may experience significant changes in the short term. In particular, there’s a risk of a potential long liquidation wave, which could significantly affect the market through a rapid sell-off.

This possibility underscores the need to be careful when tracking these market indicators.

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