% 0.93
BTC Dominance:
% 0.19
Market Cap:
$3.54 T
% 1.28
Fear & Greed:
75 / 100
$ 103.187
BTC Dominance:
% 56.3
Market Cap:
$3.54 T

ZKfair (ZKF) is on Launchpool Bitget Exchange!

Zkfair (Zkf)

ZKfair (ZKF) Launchpool Event is on Bitget Exchange! ZKfair (ZKF), whose airdrop event is still ongoing, will be listed on Bitget Exchange.

Bitget Exchange, continuing to reward with Launchpool events, will distribute ZKF tokens in exchange for BGB token staking. To be eligible for rewards from the 28,000,000 ZKF token pool, users need to acquire Bitget’s native token, BGB.

The event will start on January 4 at 09.00 Turkey time and will continue until January 6 at 09.00.

Participation Conditions

If you do not have a Bitget exchange account, you can register with our 10% discount link specific to the Coin Engineer family.

  • Complete the KYC processes.
  • To participate in the event, a minimum of 50 BGB tokens must be staked throughout the event duration.
  • Additionally, invite friends to receive rewards from 100,000 ZKfair (ZKF) tokens.
Click to participate in the event by staking BGB.
Launchpool rewards will be given according to the BGB token rates that users lock into the pool as stakes.

What is ZKfair (ZKF)?

ZKfair is the first ZK-L2 solution supported by Lumoz, a ZK-RaaS provider, based on Polygon and Celestia. Its significant advantage lies in using the USDC token for transaction fees. Additionally, it offers EVM compatibility, low transaction fees, and a high level of security services.

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